The Power Of The Alternator

- Nov 06, 2017-

We have to conduct road tests in the process of car trading. However, we must consider the power of the vehicles during the road test. What is the power of the car?

Motor vehicle power refers to the car on a good road for a straight line of the process can be carried out by the longitudinal external force to determine the appropriate driving performance is to achieve the average speed of the request. From this definition, we can see that for the road, it must be a good road, the level or the slope can be, the movement can take a straight line of the process, for external forces, by the longitudinal external force Determine the basis of exercise, so that it can reach a certain capacity. For sports ability, there are three main indicators, such as the car's maximum speed, acceleration time, and the maximum degree of climbing. Vehicles running on a good level road, if we can achieve the highest speed, we called the maximum speed. For acceleration time, usually in situ acceleration time, as well as overtaking acceleration time, this time indicates the acceleration of the car. "t" said the starting time in place, are generally a file or second gear to start gradually shift shift processing, if traveling to a certain predetermined distance, the speed of time required. Is the time to start in place. The overtaking acceleration time can also be expressed by "t". Some of the highest sub-high-grade cars whose speed is around 30 or 4 are trying their best to express the time to be used on some expressways.